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Breast lifts


For those women who suffer from big breasts and/or drooping, this procedure can restore both the size and the original position of the breasts. Depending on the volume and the drop of the breasts, different techniques exist that can lift and give it a more attractive look, reverting, in that way, the effects of breastfeeding and aging on them. A different technique is used for each patient and can be done with the use of breast implants. For this reason the incisions vary and can be: Around the areola, downward vertical or in the shape of an upside down T. 


Types of anesthesia: In most cases it is done with general anesthesia.


Disability: Varies from one to two weeks. Foreign patients have to stay for 15 days after the surgery. Exercise can resume in the sixth week and exposure to the sun should be after 3 months.

Approximate surgery time: 2 - 3 hours.

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